infos légales

Au Pays de Sault et d'Albion

...much more than just lavender

At the foot of Mont Ventoux, the "giant of Provence", the lavender fields stretch out.

The film shows the harvesting and distilling of the precious blue flowers by both traditional and modern methods.


Sault is the capital of this splendid flower.


You'll learn about life on the plateau of Albion: a quiet life following the rythm of the seasons.

There is a breed of goats, almost forgotten, the "Roves of Provence".

chèvre Rove de Provence

Free-range pigs -


and bees gathering pollen from the blue flowers to make delicious lavender honey...

récolte de miel

You'll meet shepherds too, with there flocks, crossing Giono country, with fields of spelt rippling in the wind.


Here in the forest, they're picking chestnuts. Wrapped in chestnut leaves, Banon goat cheeses travel all over the world.
Far from the noise and bustle, in small villages like St. Trinit, romanesque churches and chapels have come down the ages unspoilt

église St. Trinit

The sculptures in the church of St. Christol remain a mystery for us.

église St. Christol    église St. Christol

But the most beautiful building in the area is without doubt the Rotunda in Simiane, where medieval troubadours played for fine ladies. That's where the film ends with an extract from a concert of medieval music.

Simiane la Rotonde
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Speaker: Anne Pont

Extracts from the film :

Mont Ventoux, the giant of Provence
Lavender fields
Little villages and their Romanesque churches, St. Trinit
Villages near Mont Ventoux
The church of St. Christol
A concert in the Rotunda

Together with a 2nd. film about Provence on the DVD:

Oppède le Vieux -
A small village in the Luberon

What the press says